50 Women

Naked In Nature.

It's not just a project.

It's a Movement.

fROM California to Connecticut to Montana and everywhere in between,

I meet and photograph 50 Women of all sIZES, colors and ages with Trees.

Each woman will have an opportunity to use her own words

to tell the story of her relationship to her body

and ultimately herself.


We invite women to heal through a positive body image experience.

My naked body was merely me trying to give my spirit permission to be the same. Uncovered. Uncensored. Free. If I would have the courage to do it anywhere, it would be amongst the trees - engulfed by divine creation and surrendering to the belief that I, too, belong here.
— Joi K Madison
You have to peel back all the layers, to the little girl who was hurt, or unloved, or taught to believe pretty would save her from the reality that life is hard.

— Melinda Alexander
“The male gaze for years has tried to define what is beautiful. So when women do not appeal to that gaze, it is power. It is political.”

— Ijeoma Umebinyuo
“I already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain”
— Georgia O'Keefe



Find out about our project, mission, methods, and the testimonials from others.


Do you have a beautiful soul sister who has no idea how beautiful she really is? Nominate her to join the movement.


